10 Must-Follow Podcasts for Women in Tech

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10 Must-Follow Podcasts for Women in Tech Gurvi Movement

10 Must-Follow Podcasts for Women in Tech

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Why Say Yes To Women in Tech Podcasts?

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, which may not come as a surprise, but being able to listen to inspiring, empowering, information-rich podcasts, is now the norm in the 21st century.

The benefit of listening to technology podcasts is that you can play them while doing other tasks: exercising, cooking, commuting or even coding.

Whether it is for professional development, work/life balance, or the latest news updates…

… here are 10 must-follow podcasts for women in tech.

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#1 The Women in Tech Show

In short: “A podcast about what we work on and not only how it feels to be a woman in IT.”

Available on: iTunes, Spotify, Android, RSS

One of the best podcasts for women in tech is hosted by Edaena Salinas which has topics that include: technology, software design, engineering, AI, design, and more.

As the hostess proudly states, this is not another podcast that will talk about how it feels to be a woman who works in tech, but instead honors the achievements of women in this industry.

Edaena Salinas has been a Software Engineer at Microsoft since 2014, and while admitting the lack of females in the tech industry, she wants to highlight the achievements and discoveries of girls who do work in tech.

Not separating women as a different group of workers in the tech industry, and instead highlighting their accomplishments is a way of empowering women in tech on its own.

Additionally, this women in tech podcast guides the listener through all the recent discoveries and achievements in the tech industry.
Best podcasts for Women in Tech 2021 Gurvi Movement
Female empowerment podcasts, women in leadership podcasts 2021 | @kateoseen

#2 She Talks Tech

In short: “Stories, lessons, and tips from some of the top women (and men) in tech.”

Available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts

The podcast ‘She Talks Tech’ was created by the organization WeAreTechWomen, recognising women in technology around the globe to maximize their potential and increase their network and skills.

It was added to the list of the top tech podcasts because it is a mix of empowering talks, presentations of the latest technology trends, and conversations about the future of the tech industry.

Each episode features a different speaker, who is the expert for its main topic.

From learning about how to cyber secure your business, how to accelerate your career in technology, to answering questions about how to empower young women into tech – this podcast sparks lots of new ideas.

#3 The Wired Podcast

In short: “The award-winning UK podcast about everything and nothing.”

Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Globalplayer.com

Join weekly episodes of ‘The Wired’, hosted by James Temperton to be on track with the latest update on science, business, culture, and most recent technology.

In just one episode of ‘The Wired’ Podcast you will get an insight into changes in the working environment in 2021, while at the same time learn that a pineapple does not have seeds!

This wide-ranging podcast has quickly gained a following from all over the world, generating over 20,000 downloads in just one year.

It is safe to call it one of the best motivational podcasts for women!
This popular podcast will fill your mind with interesting news and innovative ideas.
Best podcasts for Women in Tech 2021 Gurvi Movement
Best podcasts hosted by women in tech 2021 | @soundtrap

#4 She Did It Her Way

In short: “How to turn your passion into a profession and start your own business.”

Available on: Spotify, iTunes

Amanda Boleyn, has produced a series of inspiring podcasts about becoming your own boss. Through conversations with other successful business women, adding some tough-love tips and tricks, Amanda provides guidance on starting up your own business.

Her recent episode entitled ‘Stressed Out To Streamlined’, is especially useful for women with a busy schedule. Amanda points out the most common mistakes of time-management, and teaches you how to successfully manage your schedule.

She also provides advice on how and when is the right time to make the big step. Besides hosting a discussion with a number of successful entrepreneurs her podcast, ‘She Did It Her Way’, will help you set your goals and boundaries, as well as give you tips on how to build up your email list or clean up your system.


#5 Marketplace Tech

In short: “Technology and its effect on today’s world.”

Available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, RSS, on their website

Hosted by Molly Wood, this podcast connects technology with the present events and challenges.

Have you ever thought about how the Bill Gates Foundation’s values shape the world? Or what is the status of your online privacy?

Well, if you haven’t, Molly Wood has, and will answer these and many other questions in her daily podcast show.

While many podcasts can last up to an hour, ‘Marketplace Tech’ comprises short episodes that last 5 to 10 minutes, making it ideal for women in tech to listen to while sipping their morning coffee or tea.

#6 Something Ventured

In short: “What we can learn from people and companies in Silicon Valley.”

Available on: Apple Podcast, Stitcher, on their website

Entrepreneur Kent Lindstrom tackles important business questions and predictions with technology professionals from Silicon Valley.

Whether it is to understand how Jeff John Roberts built his career in cryptocurrency, or how Hooman Radfar created the platform “Business-of-One”, Lindstrom’s podcast untangles the most recent start-ups of Silicon Valley and their path to success.


#7 Girl Geek X

In short: “Teaches you everything you need to know, to thrive in a tech company.”

Available on: Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast

Listening to ‘Girl Geek X’ is like going for a coffee with girlfriends who work in tech – it features various female speakers and covers topics like self-advocacy, communication, emotional vulnerability and more.

The ‘Girl Geek X’ community has been empowering and connecting women in tech for more than 10 years, and this podcast is yet another attempt to make you realize that nothing is impossible. 💪
Best podcasts for Women in Tech 2021 Gurvi Movement
Best podcasts for women and girls in tech in 2021 | @soundtrap

#8 Ted Tech

In short: “Ted talks about technology.”

Available: Player FM, on their website

Many of us are familiar with TED Talks, but the non-profit organization features podcasts that are oriented only around technology too!

From talks about email spam to solving the current world problems with the help of digitalization ‘Ted Tech’ talks cover a variety of topics such as: The Agony of trying to unsubscribe‘ by James Veitch; Philip Lubin presenting on interstellar travel; or, Monica Araya who investigates the increase in electric transportation.

While most of the episodes are entertaining, they all contain a ‘moral of the story’, which can be applied to your daily or business life.


#9 The Big Tech Show

In short: “Tech reviews and insightful interviews with leaders of tech companies.”

Available on: Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Independent

This new weekly podcast, hosted by Adrian Weckler, has quickly gained popularity.

The podcast introduces fresh topics in the tech industry – from 5G network and online shopping to questions that occur in the minds of many tech-savvy women.

The host not only talks about the giants in today’s tech industry like Apple, and Facebook. It features in-depth interviews with successful tech-entrepreneurs as well.
It is worth listening to when in need of fresh ideas.

#10 Women Tech Charge

In short: “True stories that will empower you on your way to success!”

Available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts

What is more empowering and insightful than the truth?

‘Women Tech Charge’ proves that achieving success despite set-backs, and failure is more common than we thought.

Hosted by Dr. Anne-Marie Imafidon, the podcast features real-life stories and experiences of women leaders in today’s tech industry.

Filled with passion and amusing anecdotes, ‘Women Tech Charge’ will encourage you to take charge of your career!


How to choose the right podcast for you?

Listening to inspirational podcasts can be beneficial for your everyday life and career. Some research even recommends podcasts as part of your daily routine.

Personally, I find listening to podcasts less time-consuming than watching videos, though choosing the right IT podcast depends on whether:

→  You more interested in the current (tech) news, and connecting technology with present events?
→  You prefer to listen to real-life stories and interviews with leaders of the tech industry?
→  You are on the look for practical methods that could advance your business?
… Might even be all of the above?

All these podcasts for women in tech are free of charge and available on almost every platform. I have already chosen the ones I will listen to this week – what about you?

Want to create your own podcast? Read here everything you need to know to launch a podcast!


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