Mom Bloggers / 24/7 Moms


Trisha, what does writing the blog mean to you and why did you become an entrepreneur in the first place?

Running my own business has given me the opportunity to cheer other moms on along the journey of motherhood and at the same time the option to be a stay-at-home mom.


What is your business about? How did you come across your idea?

I’m the founder of 24/7 MOMS a website blog and live show for moms.


Since you are also a mom… How do you balance your personal and professional life?

Time Blocking. Having a daily/weekly plan. 🗓️


Have you made any adjustments to your personal and professional life to juggle these two roles?

Reminding myself daily what the priority is.


What is the greatest obstacle you have faced in achieving the success you desire? How do you overcome it?

The fast-moving tech world. Never stop learning!


What are the things that help you stay organized throughout the day and get time for everyone and everything? Is there a special time planner, or workspace design, or technique that you use?

Tell us your time management secrets!

👉 Time Blocking.
👉 Writing out a daily and weekly plan.
👉 Ongoing to-do lists for all areas of my life.


Any recommendations to Moms who dream about being entrepreneurs, but just can’t get started?

Take the risk.


Have you enjoyed this interview? You can follow 24/7 Moms on Instagram or check out Trisha’s blog. See you there! 👋


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